About Me

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Becoming an author wasn't a dream. It fell upon me like silken bedsheets. Smoothly transitioning my life from photography to writing. I dove into writing children's books; right into the deep end. Then I almost drowned in my ignorance of the publishing world. It took six years for me to get on track. I have no money to invest in my future. But I have time. Using free resources, I learn the craft of writing. My ambition to write more than a simple book, clutches my mind. I write and I write, but have yet to publishing any of my growing body of work. Will people like them? Will others even be interested? One day, I will overcome my insecurities about my own words and take the plunge. But I will ensure I don't wallow in the deep end this time.

Take a peek at my writing.

What we write, inevitably, is a window to our soul.

Jazzy the vixen and the letter V

Today Jazzy was a vixen. She decided she didn't want to be a star.  It was a simple set up.  Violin on the table with the letter V, all she had to do was put her feet up and get the chicken. I gaver the paws up command and lots of permission. I'm not sure what scared her, but she wouldn't do it.  Then we tried to have her sit on chairs, so she could be within easy reach of the chicken.  Still she didn't want to look at the violin or me or anything.  She just wanted off the chairs.

Patience is a key ingredient when trying to get an animal to do something for a photo.  Finally, the last two pictures came out okay.  The good one will be in my book, but the last one in this series is close.

Enjoy Jazzy's vixen expressions.

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